

Math 1540
Calculus I


My Family Home Page

Dr. Bob Brown, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Dean Emeritus - School of Mathematics & Science
Phone (478) 494-2592


BS, MS, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology


I retired from East Georgia State College effective January 1, 2016 after 14 years at this great institution.  Each day I was very excited about joining the faculty to teach Mathematics and being part of the East Georgia State College community. I joined EGSC after spending 31 years with Bell Telephone Laboratories and the companies that grew out of AT&T.  My experience in the high tech industry includes managing teams that helped develop, test, and launch AT&T's Telstar 3 and Telstar 4 satellites.  This work occurred while I was at Bell Laboratories largest facility in Holmdel, NJ.  I returned to Georgia in 1995 and led a group that did research and development in high speed fiber optics that helped contribute to a large  increase in the digital capacity and connectivity domestically and internationally. Most recently I was part of the management team at Agere Systems (a spin-off of Lucent Technologies) that developed, tested, and brought to market highly secure wireless (WiFi) products that provide high speed access to the internet.  You might be interested in the video on my former company, Bell Labs, sometimes called The Idea Factory.

Mathematics is the discipline that underpins all of the technologies that I have been associated with, including Physics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Information Technology.   I continue to enjoy working with the students, faculty, administration, and staff at East Georgia State College as the students pursue their education and career interests.  I would be delighted to talk with any students interested in high tech careers. Be sure to click on items below regarding what high tech professionals do in their careers.

Recently, the Space Shuttle Discovery was retired by NASA.  I will always remember when I was part of the Bell Labs team that designed the Telstar 3 satellites.  Telstar 302 was on Discovery's first mission in 1984, and I was excited to be there for the launch.  The night before the launch I went up the launch platform with one of the astronauts and touched the shuttle and its solid rocket boosters.  Enjoy the video I pieced together of the Launch and Deployment of Telstar 302.  From 1993-1994 I was the Telstar 4 Program Manager and served as the satellite manager at launch headquarters when we launched Telstar 401 at Cape Canaveral on December 1993.  Click on watch the launch.

DISCLAIMER: The content of personal and other unofficial home pages is not sanctioned by East Georgia College and does not represent official information or opinions of the CollegeDr. Robert J. Brown, Jr. is solely responsible for the contents of this page.  Course related information presented herein is, however, the official information required by students in Dr. Brown's classes.