to the Brown family home page. We are Bob & Martha Brown and we are
updating our home page to more easily include pictures, events, news,
genealogy, and other items of interest related to our families. I changed the design of the website to reflect the fact that on January 1,
2016 I retired
as Dean of the school of Mathematics and Science at East Georgia State
College. Click
Page to see my present college WEB Page. My last
resume. Martha and I moved to Locust Grove, GA in December 2015 to be
closer to our grandchildren. Fourteen years earlier in January 2002, Bob retired from
doing research and development with Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Martha is a retired school teacher. We greatly enjoy doing things with
our family and friends.
We have two children, a
daughter, Andrea, and a son, Rob. Andrea is married to Dr. Jamey Estes and
Rob is married to Jennifer Hurd. We are blessed with seven wonderful
grandchildren, Andrew Estes, Sarah Estes, Samuel Estes, Jordan Brown,
Jacob Robert Brown, Hannah Gwen Estes, and Joseph Peyton Brown. In the
following pages we will share items of interest related to our immediate
family as well as a host of other families including Nelsons, Randolphs,
Hurds, Estes, and Lawsons. Bob has been doing genealogy research on a
number of our families for about 28 years.
We have found that the Internet is a fast method for sharing photos, news,
and events that are of common interest. You can see other family
pictures and East Georgia State College pictures in
Other Picture Galleries
We have a new dog and his name
is Preston. He is delightful.

I have a video channel on You Tube
https://www.youtube.com/user/bobbrownjr where I have a number of videos
on events and math subjects.
E-mail us with any
suggestions. |